Chia seeds

Modern life is very stressing. Life used to be so much simpler. Our grandparents didn’t use to have fancy gadgets like iPhone, laptops or social media accounts. Their generation had simple rules: If you went to college, graduated with good grades and had a good work ethic you could find a job and live a happy and stable life. The world is a much more complicated place now. All of us are subject to stress: Students, office workers, parents and even high school kids. Our healthcare system is much more developed now, but somehow this new fast-paced world doesn’t feel healthier or happier. Is it because everything is so fast and we don’t have time to stop and breath?

I recently decided to change my lifestyle. I started doing yoga and made drastic changes to my eating habits. I spent several months trying out different vitamins, food supplements and just normal regular healthy products. My main goal was to find a balancing, healthy, stress reducing diet which led me to discover chia seeds. Chia seeds are a great source of energy for both physical and mental effort, they are inexpensive and help strengthen your immune system.

Today I want to show you a very simple and healthy breakfast recipe that has worked wonders for me. I love this recipe because it is quick and simple and takes no more than 5 minutes to prepare:

Raspberry Chia Pudding

This recipe uses 4 basic ingredients: chia seeds, agave syrup and raspberries.

I bought my chia seeds on the market in Amsterdam. 500 grams costs 4,99 euro, which is standard price and very reasonable price.

I like to use Alpro drinks. They have low fat content, vitamin E (which is an antioxidant) and they have great taste. They are more expensive than regular milk so feel free to use regular milk or some other brand of almond milk. I have also tried this recipe with normal milk, but I have to say that my Chia Seed Pudding with almond or banana drink is definitely tastier.

If you like sweets like me, you might want to add agave syrup. You could also use honey or even sugar, but agave syrup is definetively a healthier choice than sugar or honey because of its relatively low glycemic index value.  This is completely optional and if you are not a sweet-lover, feel free to skip the agave syrup.

One chia pudding is made of approximately 3 large spoons, milk and little bit agave syrup. The best is to put whole mix into the fridge overnight. The seeds can absorb up to 27 times their weight in liquid, so the chia seeds will change to kind of gel during night.

At the end you can add your favourite fruits, I used raspberries, but I also love blueberries or kiwi. Now it is time to enjoy a great healthy and gluten free breakfast!


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